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Atheism 4 Lent

What it is? It is a de-centering practice curated by Peter Rollins. From Pete's website, "Atheism for Lent is carefully curated to draw participants into a profound, destabilizing and life-altering event…". Jesus says on the cross, “My God my God, why have you forgotten me.” 

Whether you identify as a theist, an atheist, agnostic or ignostic, Atheism for Lent provides a space for you to delve headfirst into the true theological expanse of that moment, a moment without God.

So forget forsaking chocolate, TV or tiddlywinks and get ready for an existential earthquake. 

Atheism for Lent is a Decentering Practice designed to envelop you in what many mystics call the 'Cloud of Unknowing'. It takes true courage to enter into that dark cloud. But, if you’re ready and willing, that darkness will be illuminating.
Oh…and after doing this…Easter has increased and profound meaning for the faithful.

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